Thursday, April 16, 2015

Larryon Truman Church visit #3

Blog Title-  Larryon Truman - Church visit #3
Church name: Church of the Resurrection
Church Address: 935 W Union Ave, Wheaton, IL 60187

Date attended: April 3, 2015
Church Category: More Liturgical

Describe the worship service you attended. How was it similar to or different from your regular context?

I went to the Good Friday service at Church of the Resurrection. The first think I noticed was how dark the sanctuary was. It had hanging lights that were lit in a way that mimicked candle light. I sat in the back right where it was almost impossible to read the liturgy. It was similar in the way that the speaker was able to interact with the congregation. I had expected the preaching to be read off a paper like the rest of the service was, but I found him to be very engaging and lively. It was different in the way that it had a liturgical aspect to it. In my regular context I have no idea how long service will go, but here, you are able to follow along and know where you are in the service.

What did you find most interesting or appealing about the worship service?
The most interesting part to me was probably the “walk of the cross” where elders of the church carried the cross around the sanctuary to represent the walk that Christ went through to calvary. 

What did you find most disorienting or challenging about the worship service?

It was just really dark. I had a hard time focusing and staying awake. Other than a few babies crying every once in a while the whole place is silent. I also had a hard time reading since it was so dark.

What aspects of scripture or theology did the worship service illuminate for you that you had not perceived as clearly in your regular context?

It was really cool to see people read the scriptures together and to have a sort of call and response aspect to it. It was very communal and everyone was on the same page, literally. When the page was turned the entire room turned together and was in unity.

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